Our daughter is amazing! First, she performed brilliantly at Kids Church, not fussing when I dropped her off and staying chill for the next hour and a half. After church we went to the Haynes and had lunch with them and the Edmondsons. Hannah was awesome getting passed around and playing with the 2 year olds and getting fed by not me.
Speaking of lunch it was pure, bacon greizz scrumpt. I made the famous Granddaddy King pancake batter before and brought it over. Then Matt cooked everything else in bacon greizz. How could that not be delicious?
So Hannah slept for two hours, then I got her up to watch the Falcons beat the Saints in OT. Till the Bills start winning she'll have to watch ATL.
Since it went to over time we didn't leave till 4:30. I had to be at church at 6:30 so instead going home and back again I stopped at a Andrew and Elsie's (who happen to have NFL Sunday Ticket) to chill while he watched Seattle. I had a banana and 1/4 avacado but no knife (well, I didn't feel like walking from the man cave to the kitchen to get one) so I just peeled the nanner and held it up. The girl ate the whole thing (well I helped with two bites)! It was hilarious watching her mush down the entire nanner. So we follow suit with the avacado. Who needs finger foods when they can just be mouth foods?
We got to church and I held her for the first 30 mins until putting her down at 7. To keep her entertained I let her empty my wallet...numerous times. She loves pulling out the credit cards...yikes.
Comment of the night (from good friend Jason Jacobs): "Your daughter is so calming to watch. Watching her is like watching an aquarium or something." I'll take that as a compliment?!
Her only fussy moment came when we finally got home in a substantial rain shower. (Actually, it's mercifully been raining all day here...our first rain in weeks. And tomorrow the high is the 70's! Funny, how I look to that as "cool weather". It hasn't been that cool since I lived in NH!)
So she got rained on and fussed. But this actually provided a neat moment as I got to rock her to sleep. We don't actually do this much because she's such a great sleeper and typically goes right down. But this was a nice cap to our five days together. There's something indescribably sublime about your little girl snuggling safe on your chest, finally closing her eyes and breathing deeply and calmly. Lord thanks for these days and what you've taught me. Bless Hannah and bring momma home safely...
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