Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kinship Job Description: Hospitality Coordinator

• Dinners
⁃ Create a schedule for meals rotation
⁃ Create and maintain a "dinner supplies" box (plates etc...) at the church

• Childcare
⁃ Communicate directly with providers
⁃ Collect monies from group members and pay providers
⁃ communicate with Jeff for check for providers

• Meals Ministry
⁃ In the event of babies / hospitalization / tough times etc...
⁃ Create schedule for meals. Can include those outside group...

• Communication
⁃ Jeff: checks for childcare
⁃ Childcare providers report to you in the event of schedule changes
⁃ Group: let the group know when folks are in need of home or hospital visits. Also, communicate with those in these situations to find good times.
⁃ Group Leader: inform of any needs, especially if responsibilities can't be covered for the night

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