Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jesus' Leadership: Mark 11

A Triumphal Entry
vv 1-11. Jesus delegates and entrusts two disciples with an important task. He gives them specific instructions that they must rust in completely. It must have been unnerving to carry out this task, essentially commandeering a colt, yet they were faithful and his instructions proved vital.

Clearing the Temple
vv 12-19. Jesus gives us an example of when it is right to act on zeal. While Jesus has confronted opponents verbally, up until now he has not used physical force. So there is a time and a place for it. Also interesting that the equivalent of the temple today would be a church...He is not using this violence against outsiders, but against those who should know better.

A Withered Fig Tree
vv 20-26. Jesus teaches against holding bitterness - a great key to leading well. As shown in Jesus' life, the leader will face opposition, both from outsiders and from close relatives and acquaintances. A call to forgive, that we may be forgiven, is also a great reminder of our true identity, not of a great self-made leader, but of a redeemed sinner.

Authority Challenged
vv 27-33. Jesus demonstrates incredible self-control and wisdom in this interaction with the teachers of the law and priests. Instead of answering their question or lashing out at them, he asks a clever question in response to their question. His ability to respond to critics in such a shrewd and intelligent way is one His leadership trademarks.

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