Tuesday, July 20, 2010


"Our transformation is never for ourselves alone. It is always for the sake of others." ~ Ruth Haley Barton

Great statement to help us maintain balance. This quote came from the context of Moses' 40 years in the desert, for the purpose of Moses "finding himself" was not for personal well-being. Certainly that came, but Moses was transformed for a purpose; to lead the Hebrew nation out of captivity. This is a great reminder to me of a distincitve of our faith: "Our lives are too important to spend on only us." So much of pop-spirituality is about the individual reaching a state of peace. While this is certainly a result of spiritual transformation in the Christian tradition, one of the main purposes of this transformation is that we might be used to further the kingdom of God...and thus catalyze transformation in others...who do so to others etc (2 Tim 2:2).

LORD I feel as if I'm certainly in a state of transformation. It makes me feel alive. Ironically, I fear this feeling because part of me fears that I seek change for selfish reasons. So LORD, center and ground this desire. I fear "losing myself" in this change, becoming someone new. But maybe losing myself is exactly what is needed. You designed me and programmed me and know the code to unlock the potential you've put in me - so let me lose myself in Thee - to kill the false self and come alive in Christ.

My heart stirs - LORD tend the flame...

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