Saturday, July 31, 2010

Brain Dump

When I began this blog it was in part due to a great need of mine to write down the thoughts that pass through my mind throughout the day that are worth following up on. At least in my estimation there's a few! For example, having a pastoral disposition I tend to view the world through a "teaching point" or "sermon illustration" lens.

Like I'll see a tree on our walk where one branch has died and all it's leaves turn brown. All the branches around are green but this one is dead even though they come from the same tree. So I'll go to verses in John 15 about the vine in the branches. Or I'll think "this is just like character. Just because your parents are one way, or you came from a certain family, culture, or school, doesn't mean you will have 'good' character." I could expound...

So I'll always say this stuff and Virginia will tell me to write it down but...I've not had any kind of sustainable system for doing so...until now. Thank you blogspot!

I'll also simply get ideas for how to do church, or for leading small groups or teaching. So occasionally I will post these. So heads up - there may be short posts without much of an intro or context - but they are my mental note to revisit a thought before it dissolves in the distraction of the mind.

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