Saturday, August 7, 2010

Let's Find Some Darkness

From Summit 2010

Christine Caine is an incredibly charismatic speaker and advocate from Hillsongs church in Australia. Her story is incredible and her passion for preaching the word and reach the broken, especially those caught in sex trafficking, is contagious and convicting. One story that she shared though stood out vividly to me...

While spending time in the states Caine and her family decided to get some American culture. So where do you think they go? Wal-Mart of course. Apparently this is a big deal to Aussies! Her daughter loves Barbie and flashlights so, fortunately for them, Wally-World really does have everything, even Barbie flashlights. The daughter could not wait one second to use it so they picked up some batteries, opened the flashlight, and headed to the checkout. While in line the little girl kept turning the light on and off, unimpressed as it's tiny beam was lost in the whitewash of the fluorescent lights overhead. Then she made a profound statement:

"Mommy, can we go find some darkness?!"

Wow. What a call out the church eh? If we spend our lives where we have everything, in the church, our light isn't' gonna do much. How are we ever going to do this by staying with the fluorescent?

Matt. 16:18 ...on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it!

So let's do it! It's not only more exciting than Wal-Mart, we're given a promise that we can't fail in the mission to bring healing to broken hearts, broken lives, and broken souls.

OK church - Let's find some darkness!

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