Friday, August 27, 2010

Jesus' Leadership: Mark 1

Baptism and Temptation
9-12. Jesus is baptized, tempted, and found without sin thus leading by example. He doesn't ask things of us that He hasn't done. This is distinctive of the Christian faith, where the deity shares the experiences of men.

Preaching and Calling Followers
14-15. Jesus proclaims the Kingdom, in obedience to His Father's will, showing that even He is one under authority.

16-20. Like the Rabbi He is known as, He seeks out and calls followers...they don't come to Him but He leads by going after those He wants.

Driving Out an Evil Spirit
21-28. He teaches with authority. What leader does not have conviction in their words? And His authority is not limited to rhetoric; but He puts it into practice by casting out the demon.

29-34. Jesus cares for His "employees", taking time to minister to Peter's mother-in-law.

Solitary Prayer and Ministry
35-39. Jesus' ministry is fueled by SELF-LEADERSHIP. Before engaging in a ministry event, He "fills up His tank" by seeking prayer in a solitary place in the early morning.

A Leper
40-42. Jesus shows genuine compassion for the least of these.

43-45. Jesus is not interested in His own least not yet. He is strategically aware of an appropriate time line for His leadership. Yes, one day He will need to be known all over the world, but that time was yet to come. This long term view of ministry is a challenging lesson.


  1. Something that occurred to me while reading the part about Jesus' baptism was that He also gives us the example of looking to God for approval not man. "This is my son in whom I am well pleased."


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