Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kinship Design

A sample of how I prepare for leading homegroup...

Hebrews 13:2 ~ Entertain Strangers
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

The Learner Will...
KNOW: We are commanded to practice hospitality.
REALIZE: ~ This is something we easily forget.
~ The Bible provides numerous examples.
RESPOND: ~ Thinking intentionally about hosting Sunday morning.
~ Thinking intentionally about being hospitable with neighbors.

Learning Plan...
HOOK: Question: When is a time you were shown great hospitality? Poor? From or toward strangers?

BOOK: Context: A persecuted Jewish-believer minority.
Two Points:
~ we easily forget to "entertain strangers"
~ Scripture illustrates...

Activity: In groups look up Genesis 18:1-8; 2 Kings 4:8-10; Mark 10:13-16. Mark down all observations and insights related to hospitality. Choose a leader and recorder. Each group will teach the kinship about what they found, with other groups being allowed to respond as they have also looked at the passages. Each insight should begin with, "entertaining strangers is..." and presentation can include other scriptures. As a large group, we will record observation on a large paper.

Connection: Discuss hosting and how this relates...
~ being "on duty"
~ seek out; leave old friends
~ pray during service for outsiders, for Jeff, for one another
~ walk people to Kid's church
~ invite people to join in a meal
~ be knowledgeable about other kinships. Bring people to kinship wall.

Action: Identify with one insight and pray for one another as it pertains to hosting...

TOOK: Challenge - pray for the service throughout the week. Practice hospitality at home!

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